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Quality of Psychiatric Nursing Care: Perceptions of Nurses and Patients with Mental Illness

Rasha Mohammed Hussien1 , * Open Modal Khulood Mohammed Al Mansoor2 , * Open Modal Hanem Ahmed AbdElkhalek Ahmed1 Authors Info & Affiliations
The Open Nursing Journal 28 Aug 2023 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/18744346-v17-230823-2022-197



Improvements in healthcare services are significantly influenced by patients’ perceptions of the quality of the care they receive. Improving and maintaining the quality of nursing care is a primary issue for healthcare providers and consumers; accordingly, nursing professionals must meet this challenge by accurately evaluating the quality of the services they deliver. The present study aimed to assess perceptions of the quality of psychiatric nursing care among nurses and mentally ill patients.


A quantitative cross-sectional design was used. A sample of 100 psychiatric nurses and 65 male patients participated in the study at El-Azazi Hospital for Mental Health in Abo Hamad City, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, which took place over the course of two months from the beginning of October to the end of November 2021.

Tools of Data Collection:

A custom questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic data on all participants in addition to patients’ clinical characteristics. Perceptions of the quality of nursing care were measured by the standardized Karen-patient and Karen-personnel instruments which share similar wording for 14 of the variables, nurses’ and patients’ perceptions of some aspects of care quality could validly be compared.


Nurses had high perceptions of the quality of psychiatric nursing care on all Karen-personnel subscales which ranged between 55% to 92%, except for competence development which scored at 29%. The majority of participant patients expressed an overall high perception of the quality of psychiatric nursing care, particularly on staff competence, caring/uncaring, and integrity (80%, 75.4%, and 72.3%, respectively), while (86.2%) had low perceptions of organizational quality. Patients aged <35 years expressed significantly more high perceptions of the quality of nursing care than older patients, with P value 0.004, while those suffering from addiction displayed significantly high perceptions of nursing care quality than patients with depression with P value 0.002.


Mentally ill patients perceived the quality of nursing care higher than nurses on receiving individual and personal treatment and on the number of staff categories, whereas nurses had more high perceptions than patients on diagnosis, staff consideration, and patients getting to know the staff.


To enhance and maintain the quality of psychiatric nursing care, further research should examine valid clinical indicators of quality.

Keywords: Psychiatric nursing, Care quality, Patients’ perceptions, Nurses’ perceptions, Clinical variables, Karen instruments.
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