The Efficacy of Psychological First Aid Training Program on Academic Faculties’ Knowledge and Competency to Deal with Students Experiencing Traumatic Events: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Mohammad A. Abu Sabra1, *, Mahmoud Al Kalaldeh1, Ayman M. Hamdan-Mansour2
1 Psychiatric Nursing, School of Nursing, The University of Jordan-Aqaba Campus, Aqaba, Jordan
2 School of Nursing, The University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan

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Academicians, nowadays, are assuming multiple roles, including psychological support. The need to enhance academicians’ knowledge and skills related to psychological first-aid is increasing due to the significant and timely intervention that academicians might assume when their students experience traumatic events.


To assess the efficacy of the psychological first-aid training program on faculty members’ knowledge and competencies dealing with undergraduate students experiencing traumatic events.


One group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was used. Participated faculty members received a PFA training program which was preceded and followed by an assessment of their knowledge and competencies using the PFA knowledge and competency questionnaire.


A total of 43 faculty members participated in the study. Faculty members’ knowledge and competency were improved after receiving the PFA training program (knowledge means = 7.7 to 11.0, t= -15.7, df= 42, p= 0.00); Competency means = 17.2 to 33.0, t= -14.6, df=42, p=0.00). No variation in the changes in knowledge and competency across study phases between demographic variables.


Sustainable and up-to-date training on topics related to the psychological needs of students is a cornerstone to enhance the role of faculty members in academic settings.

Keywords: Knowledge, Competency, Psychological first-aid, Student, Traumatic events, Questionnaire.