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Jordanian Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Willingness to Provide Care to Patients with COVID-19

The Open Nursing Journal 30 Sept 2022 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/18744346-v16-e2208102



previous studies showed that nurses reported inadequate knowledge of the risks and protective strategies in dealing with infectious diseases. Additionally, nurses reported a lack of willingness to care for patients with infectious diseases.


To examine Jordanian nurses’ knowledge and attitudes and their willingness to provide care for patients with COVID-19.

Design and Methods:

Correlational cross-sectional design with convenience sampling was used to collect data through an online self-administered questionnaire from 347 Jordanian nurses working at hospitals.


The study results showed that about 56% of the nurses reported having the experience of treating or providing care to confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients, and 71.8% expressed their willingness to provide care for them. Only 55% of the nurses reported finishing a training program about COVID-19. Job title, type of hospital, and experience in treating or caring for patients with COVID-19 were predictors of nurses’ willingness to provide care.


Jordanian nurses reported gaps in their knowledge about COVID-19 related to using personal protective equipment and fear of transmitting the disease to family members. Nurses also reported a moderate level of attitude toward hand hygiene and the use of personal protective equipment; however, most of the nurses reported willingness to provide care for COVID-19 patients.

Keywords: Attitudes, COVID-19, Knowledge, Nurses, Patient care, Infectious diseases.
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