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Validation of a Booklet on the Use of BI-RADS® in Mammography Examination
The Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS ® ) is an international classification developed to systematize breast assessment, exam interpretation, and the preparation of reports of specific breast imaging exams.
The objective of this study was to validate with experts a booklet directed to medical and nursing professionals in the Family Health Strategy on the categorization of Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System in order to describe the reports of mammography.
This was a technology-validation study of the methodological-development type. The evaluation was performed with 11 experts, including seven radiologists and four mastologists, four men and seven women, with a mean age of 45 years, meantime of being in the profession of 22 years, and an average 15 years of working experience of in the field.
The individual, mean, and global Content Validity Index (CVI) was calculated. The booklet was validated with a CVI of 0.89. The suggestions of the experts were analyzed, and some of them were implemented for the final version of the booklet.
The booklet was validated and will contribute significantly to the daily activities of medical and nursing professionals in the Family Health Strategy in relation to the interpretation of the mammographic report and the orientation regarding the referral, agility, and qualification of the patient to the specialized service.