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Perceptions of Stages of Family Violence and their Perceived Solutions in Persons with Schizophrenia

The Open Nursing Journal 30 Sept 2019 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874434601913010156



Family violence committed by persons with schizophrenia is a serious problem in the context of the accelerated deinstitutionalization in Japan. Community nurses could play an important role in resolving family violence by persons with schizophrenia.


This study aimed to clarify the reasons for family violence as perceived by adult children with schizophrenia and ways to resolve this problem.


A qualitative descriptive design was employed. Group interviews with 10 participants—five individuals with schizophrenia and five parents of adult children with schizophrenia-were conducted. Transcriptions were segmented according to the following three research questions: “How do parents recognize and cope with violence committed by persons with schizophrenia?,” “How do persons with schizophrenia perceive committing violence toward their parents and how do they change themselves after doing so?” and “How do persons with schizophrenia perceive ways to resolve the issue of violence toward parents?” The data were categorized and subcategorized based on the similarity of codes and organized in chronological order. Categories concerning reasons for violence and the subsequent changes in persons with schizophrenia made up the stages of their experiences.


Parents could not understand the reasons for violence committed by persons with schizophrenia. Experiences of committing violence and changes after violence as perceived by persons with schizophrenia involved the following five stages: complicated causes of occurrence, environment conducive to violence, onset of violence, gaining power, and regret and growth. Persons with schizophrenia wanted to be observed from a distance and were desirous of establishing relationships beyond the home.


It is necessary for nurses to bridge the gap between patients and their parents by serving as a communication channel between them. In this way, there is hope to promote recovery even if the patient with schizophrenia commits violent acts toward the parent.

Keywords: Family violence, Schizophrenia, Mental disorder, Caregiver, Communication, Parent-child relationship.
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